Continuing education

  1. The BLUE LEVEL is achieved after successfully completing the basic training and submitting a video. The basic training and your video already entitles you to your first continuing education point.
  2. The RED LEVEL is achieved after obtaining a minimum of 20 points in continuing education. These points can be earned by taking the continuing education courses shown on the right. Each course is weighted, so you simply add up the values.
  3. The BLACK LEVEL is achieved after obtaining a minimum of 35 points in continuing education. These points can be earned by taking the continuing education courses shown on the right. Each course is weighted, so you simply add up the values.
  4. The MASTER INSTRUCTOR level is granted to a BLACK LEVEL instructor upon decision of the MASTERS TRAINERS College after a call for applications for a vacant position.
    The MASTER INTRUCTOR is authorized to teach the B.I.C.A. Indoor Cycling program.