We are interested in your skills!

Our training center is in increasing demand and we are delighted about it.

In order to meet an ever-increasing demand for training, we need to surround ourselves with the right people in the right place.
We are therefore looking for new profiles of trainers

Your profile:

To apply to join the training team, your profile must match this:

  • Practice the sport discipline of indoor cycling for at least 5 years
  • Hold equivalent training to Black Level (Globe Cycling), Gold Level (Schwinn Cycling), Star 3 or Elite (Spinning) or others.
  • Being borrowed from a mind turned towards others
  • Possessing the fiber of education
  • Competence in time management and event organization or training
  • Speak one of the national languages
  • You have a private training that can be an undeniable plus for our team
  • You’re ready to contribute to the development of the company and our teaching methods.
I apply:
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