The steps

The Indoor Cycling Instructor Certificate is awarded as follows:

  1. The basic training takes place over a W-E during which theory and practice are taught.
  2. A practical test is conducted in the presence of the other candidates.
  3. A written test (MCQ) then evaluates the theoretical skills of the candidates.
  4. Candidates obtain the « Indoor Cycling Instructor » certificate, certified and recognized by CP 314, after having obtained the required minimum.

    This certification is
    valid for life
    with no annual fee.

A second certificate in the process?

Following your basic certification and within 12 weeks of your B.I.C.A. training, you can obtain a second certificate called « Blue Level » from the Globe Cycling Group.

For this, you just have to :

– Present a face-to-face course in front of a Master Instructor who will assess your skills

– Send a video of a real-life lesson,